Useful with those command-line arguments that open their own windows but don't already prevent default windows from opening. For more info, see: -silentĭon't open default windows. preferencesĮxecute command in an already running SeaMonkey process. Search term with your default search engine. Register the specified chrome, but do not start application. To set this, go to Edit -> Preferences -> Mail & Newsgroups -> Network & Storage and in the "Offline" group choose "Detect automatically (if available)" in the "When starting up:" drop-down box. After you have entered the above information, click 'Connect. This option will only work if SeaMonkey is set to "detect automatically" the online/offline status on startup. Open Cyberduck, click on 'Open Connection' and enter the following information (FTP cannot be used while on the SIUE-WIFI wireless network at SIUE): Protocol: SFTP (SSH Secure File Transfer) Server:. Start with editor (composer) for the given url (optional). Gecko (layout engine) has a JavaScript cache, which is not reset on startup, this clears it. Example: to= ,subject= 'Dinner tonight?' -jsconsole " and include: from, to, cc, bcc, newsgroups, subject, body, message ( file), attachment ( file), format ( html | text). Options are specified as string "option=' value. Runs SeaMonkey in headless mode, which is very useful for purposes such as debugging and automated testing. Launches the application with all extensions disabled, for that launch only (extensions are not loaded, but are not permanently disabled in the extension manager data source). Open new instance, not a new window in running instance, which allows multiple copies of application to be open at a time. ProfileManagerĭo not accept or send remote commands. Start with import wizard (if you have proper import sources). Note profile_name and profile_dir are quoted together, and are separated by exactly 1 space. The same, but creates a new profile in the profile_dir directory. CreateProfile " profile_name profile_dir" Do not run profile_name while running an instance of the application, you can use the -no-remote option to avoid connecting to a running instance. The profile will be named profile_name in the profile manager, the profile_name must not contain spaces. CreateProfile profile_nameĬreate a new profile in the default directory, but do not start the application. Make all warnings fatal SeaMonkey options -h, -help Make X calls synchronous -g-fatal-warnings OptionsĪ summary of the options supported by seamonkey is included below. It is derived from the application formerly known as Mozilla Application Suite. The SeaMonkey Project (includes a Web browser, an e-mail and newsgroup client, an HTML editor, an Internet relay chat (IRC). It includes an Internet browser, advanced e-mail, newsgroup and feed client, a calendar, IRC client, HTML editor and a tool to inspect the DOM for web pages. SeaMonkey is an all-in-one Internet application suite (previously made popular by Netscape and Mozilla). An internet application suite (browser, mail, etc.) Synopsis