I bought this version a day later, and I don't regret paying for s is a great game, filled with ridiculous action, little bits of bathroom humor here and there, and great gameplay.
But nevertheless he convinced me to download the free version, and I was hooked. My cousin first introduced me to this game at a family reunion, and I thought it looked a little. Ordinary Ordo's Review of Muffin Knight Reviewed on 12/16/18 1:08 PM That one level is just far more difficult than it was seemingly intended.Īmazing, laughable game. But ya, that is literally the only reason I am not giving it a 5 star. Which just makes the level unreasonable difficult.

The night sky and the birds are both a dark shade of blue so unless you are looking for them you really don't see them. And probably most annoying of all you didn't notice it less because you were focused on the ground units and more because they blend into the background. That being said you can deal with them generally until you get to a point where there are upward of 15 ground units on the screen and you are attempting to k*** and avoid them and then you attempt to jump over a group but of course there is a bird there. And they spawn in groups of four from the beginning. And if two come at you at onces it's very difficult to attempt to damage one without jumping and hitting the other. Because they come down from above you really can't hit them with most characters without jumping. And it wouldn't of been that bad with just the ground enemies, but the birds. It took me probably upwards of 20 hours of playing that level to finally get those thirty muffins. It just gets to a point where it's too difficult. Because you have to basically collect ever muffin twice, and you have to collect thirty of them. When you hit the dark lord stage, they are very nearly impossible to beat. Literally the only problem with the game is the birds in the Santaville level. This is by far one of the greatest and well made mobile games ever made.

SirSurrogate's Review of Muffin Knight Reviewed on 12/16/18 1:08 PM One problem lost the star star star star star star_border